Due to several factors (more info at the link below) it isn't going to be feasible to make the new sampled [g=118]bass[/g] library live up to the immense detail of ns_kit7. However, as I have experienced with ns_kit7, 50% of the articulations remain unused by 90% of users.
This is where you come in. What articulations would be absolutely necessary for [g=118]bass[/g]? Do we really need to be able to play every fret of every string, or could a predetermined distribution across the fretboard work just as well? How many [g=21]velocity[/g] levels are really required?
In summary – what do you want from a sampled [g=118]bass[/g]?
Pop over to
http://naturalstudio.co.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?t=536 and leave your comments – your opinion does count and will shape the future of ns_bass.