Metal Amp für diesen Sound

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Hallo leute

ich brauche eine Kaufberatung da ich nichts finde im Netz welcher Amp zu dieser Aufnahme gespielt wurde -Ef7FY

Kann mir da jemand einen Tipp geben .
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Soweit ich weiss spielt zumindest der Sänger einen Crate VTX350H mit Krank Speaker
was aber niemals heisst, dass auf der aufnahme am schluss auch dieser sound landete ;) das ist immer schwierig zu sagen, z.b. wenn andy sneap seine finger im spiel hat, ist meist auch ein 5150 am start, halt gereampt... egal, ob die band sonst damit spielt ;) Tell me a little bit about your equipment. What you play? How do you tune?

Victor: I've been strictly a Marshall guy for many, many years. I have experimented with other things. But it always comes back to a tubeless rig. There is one 12AX7 in the Marshall Valvestate that it's in the preamp stage but the power is completely transistor. That was due to the low tunings that Prong started using during the Cleansing (1994) record. Initially, going in with Terry Date, who has worked on many guitar records and he was like what this guitar tuned to? I was said Drop C. He was like this is ridiculous but I think I could make it work. The only other band that I know that was that low at that point was Fudge Tunnel. I may be wrong but I think that was just the reality of it. So in order to have it-- that low end without having that warble, the only amps that could do it were the Valvestate 8100 or maybe a Randall. So, I continue to use the 8100 and now they have the updated version, called the MG8100. And I've been pretty happy with it. However, during the last record we did use the Framus Cobra as well. It's a tube rig mixed in with a Mesa Cabinet, a 2x12 cabinet. I usually use a 2x12 cabinet. It looks like complete ass on stage but for some reason, a compact box is always what I've seemed to like. Those Mesa 2x12s are good. I don't own one. I had to borrow one from Dino from Fear Factory. I have a Carvin 2x12 with 100 watt Celestions in it.

And then as far as guitar effects, it sort of been a multitude of those can come in a Vox wah; an ancient Digitech Chorus/Flanger that I continue to use; a MXR graphic EQ; and a TC Electronics boost, which I don't use that much when I'm recording.

As far as guitars go, for recording I always use an SG or a Les Paul Custom. But since those got stolen I've moved over to Schecters, I use the C-1. But I recently got another Gibson SG that I use a lot and then on the new record it's all batter tone. C-1 Schecters, with unbelievably heavy gauged strings on it. So we used this one guitar on the album, oh and Schecter basses too, Tribal basses. I have one of those. The whole record is tuned down to A.

Noch Fragen???
Ja das interview kenn ich ist aber von einem älteren Album :-(
5150 von Peavey oder den evh ?
Den evh hatte er beim Vorgänger Album

Oft gelesene Themen
