Chrome 14 ist soeben erschienen, das ist zugegeben nicht sooo die Übernews, aber als ich mir die neuerungen durchgelesen habe fand ich dort die sogenannte WEB Audio API, da hab ich mal genauer geschaut was das sein soll...
The API supports these primary features:
Modular routing for simple or complex mixing/effect architectures, including multiple sends and submixes.
Sample-accurate scheduled sound playback with low latency for musical applications requiring a very high degree of rhythmic precision such as drum machines and sequencers. This also includes the possibility of dynamic creation of effects.
Automation of audio parameters for envelopes, fade-ins / fade-outs, granular effects, filter sweeps, LFOs etc.
Processing of audio sources from an audio or video media element.
Audio stream synthesis and processing directly in JavaScript.
Spatialized audio supporting a wide range of 3D games and immersive environments:
Panning models: equal-power, HRTF, sound-field, pass-through
Distance Attenuation
Sound Cones
Obstruction / Occlusion
Doppler Shift
Source / Listener based
A convolution engine for a wide range of linear effects, especially very high-quality room effects. Here are some examples of possible effects:
Small / large room
Concert hall
Sound of a distant room through a doorway
Extreme filters
Strange backwards effects
Extreme comb filter effects
Dynamics compression for overall control and sweetening of the mix
Efficient real-time time-domain and frequency analysis / music visualizer support
Efficient biquad filters for lowpass, highpass, and other common filters.
A Waveshaping effect for distortion and other non-linear effects
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The API supports these primary features:
Modular routing for simple or complex mixing/effect architectures, including multiple sends and submixes.
Sample-accurate scheduled sound playback with low latency for musical applications requiring a very high degree of rhythmic precision such as drum machines and sequencers. This also includes the possibility of dynamic creation of effects.
Automation of audio parameters for envelopes, fade-ins / fade-outs, granular effects, filter sweeps, LFOs etc.
Processing of audio sources from an audio or video media element.
Audio stream synthesis and processing directly in JavaScript.
Spatialized audio supporting a wide range of 3D games and immersive environments:
Panning models: equal-power, HRTF, sound-field, pass-through
Distance Attenuation
Sound Cones
Obstruction / Occlusion
Doppler Shift
Source / Listener based
A convolution engine for a wide range of linear effects, especially very high-quality room effects. Here are some examples of possible effects:
Small / large room
Concert hall
Sound of a distant room through a doorway
Extreme filters
Strange backwards effects
Extreme comb filter effects
Dynamics compression for overall control and sweetening of the mix
Efficient real-time time-domain and frequency analysis / music visualizer support
Efficient biquad filters for lowpass, highpass, and other common filters.
A Waveshaping effect for distortion and other non-linear effects
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