Acustica Intros Daisy: All-in-One AD/DA Mastering Enhancer

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"Unofficial Acustica Audio Acqua Master Plugins List"

Daisy (Hyper 3) - The Converter Collection
Primarily used for mastering scenarios to add saturation and depth to a mix.
12 Digital to Analog and 6 Analog to Digital converters. Everything from sparkling clean
transformerless designs to tubes are in the package.
12 Digital to Analog and 6 Analog to Digital converters. Everything from sparkling clean
transformerless designs to tubes are in the package.
• FRS-02A: Forssell Technologies MADA-2, An American solid-state converter, offering
exceptionally transparent and uncolored sound, perfect for capturing pure and pristine audio.
• DEN-X32: Digital Audio Denmark AX32, A solid-state converter designed in Denmark, known
for its immaculate clarity and detail, widely used in professional studios for its precision and
• BMB-0B2: Burl Audio - B2 Bomber ADC, A solid-state unit made in the USA, adding rich,
colored tones with subtle harmonic saturation, ideal for injecting warmth and character into
• RNM-002: Rupert Neve Designs Master Buss Converter, A solid-state design from the
USA,delivering warm, musical tones with a vintage-inspired analog character, enhancing the
richness of mixes.
• EPX-073: Euphonix AM713, This solid-state converter from the USA ensures clean and
accurate signal conversion, offering transparency and precision for professional results.
• GAX-032: Antelope Audio Galaxy 32, A modern European solid-state converter, praised for

its pristine fidelity and accuracy, perfect for high-resolution recording projects.
• FRS-02A: Forssell Technologies MADA-2, An American solid-state converter that matches its
ADC counterpart with transparent, neutral output, ensuring critical accuracy for mastering.
• BRI-01M: Bricasti Design M1, This solid-state DAC from the USA provides rich, detailed, and
dynamic sound, enhancing depth and resolution in mixes.
• DEN-X32: Digital Audio Denmark AX32, A solid-state unit designed in Denmark, delivering
ultra-clean and detailed output, ideal for workflows requiring precision and neutrality.
• VIV-001: dCS Puccini, A solid-state DAC from the UK, renowned for its analytical precision,
making it perfect for revealing fine details in audio.
• DEL-001: dCS Delius, This solid-state unit from the UK offers accurate reproduction with
exceptional balance and clarity, suitable for critical listening.
• MCS-D10: McIntosh Labs D1100 or Pacific Microsonics Model One HDCD, A solid-state
DAC from the USA that adds a warm, inviting tone, ideal for mastering tracks with musical
richness and smoothness.
• COM-543: Computer Audio Design 1543 MKII DAC, A non-oversampling resistor-ladder DAC
from the UK, delivering organic, natural sound with unique warmth, cherished by audiophiles.
• ACP-770: Accuphase DP-770 Built-in DAC, A hybrid DAC from Japan that combines solid-
state precision with analog warmth, providing detailed and musical output.
• PRL-100: PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube DAC, This tube-based DAC from the Netherlands
delivers lush, smooth audio with harmonic richness and depth.
• AAT-002: Accustic Arts Tube DAC II, A tube DAC from Germany that produces a rich, colored
sound with warm, immersive tones, ideal for emotionally engaging playback.
• EPX-073: Euphonix MA703, A solid-state converter from the USA, ensuring clean and
precise output with a transparent character to complement its ADC counterpart.
• GAX-032: Antelope Audio Galaxy 32, An European solid-state DAC that offers modern,
transparent output, designed for high-resolution mastering and playback.
Guter Tip ! Ich finde das Teil auch ganz nett, auch wenn es eher subtil wirkt. Hab das Plugin noch ne Ecke günstiger bekommen, da ich da inzwischen regelmäßig 20% Rabatt bekomme. Den Rabatt bekommt man bei denen gestaffelt nach Umsatz, was ich auch ziemlich fair von dem Laden finde.
Auf ein Plugin bin ich da immernoch angetriggert: Celestial. Leider ist das inzwischen in ein Bundle mit reingewandert und 199 € ist mir dafür noch etwas zu viel, zumal der beigepackte Channelstrip für mich eher Nebensache ist.

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