Days On Juno-Alternative Rock

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Moin Moin!

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Spuren: (Alles Wave-Dateien ca. 550 MB)


The tempo of the track is 185BPM. The following are some notes on the recording process:

Unless stated otherwise, all tracks are provided raw but are edited and consolidated, so that they will all line up when started from the same point in a session.

The drum tracks are raw audio bounces from Toontrack's Superior Drummer 2.0. I used several different Toontrack sample libraries for the different kit elements, with the default Avatar pack forming the bulk of the sounds. I also used the 3rd party pack Joe Barresi's Evil Drums for its kick drum and snare ambience, while Metal Foundry provides the hi-hat samples. Note that the close mic tracks have bleed from the rest of the kit for a more realistic sound.
In addition to standard close mics, overhead and room mics, I used a mono ambient track on the snare only, and a stereo ambient track for the snare and toms only, to be used as reverb track if you wish.

Guitars were recorded exclusively with a Fractal Audio Axe-FX II, using a stock Epiphone SG for all distorted tones, and a Fender Custom Shop Stratocaster for the clean parts.

Bass is a Fretking Perception bass with a Bare Knuckle P/J pickup set, recorded DI through a Chandler Germanium preamp.

Vocals were tracked with a Shure SM7b through an Audient MiCO preamp. These tracks were printed through moderate compression, light EQ and a touch of room reverb. I do not have the completely raw files anymore unfortunately, but these will still need plenty of further mixing.

Some thoughts on what I'm looking for in entries:

- Powerful sounds with good control of frequency response especially in the low end.
- Clarity and width, while still being well "glued" together.
- Creative use of panning, automation and effects, especially with regard to the vocal tracks.
- Commercial loudness level without clipping, excessive pumping or low end reduction.

All music is copyright of Days On Juno 2012
Guter Mix! Glaube viele haben nicht so bock drauf, da es VST Drums sind.... das ist halt langweilig...
Ich hatte Bock ;-) Cooler Song.:right:

Guter Mix! Glaube viele haben nicht so bock drauf, da es VST Drums sind.... das ist halt langweilig...

Das sind alles Audiospuren, also kein Midi! Bei der Auswahl an Drumspuren kann man jedenfalls auch einen ordentlichen Drumsound hinbekommen.
Aber es sind Superior Drum Spuren ;-)
Ich hatte Bock ;-) Cooler Song.:right:

Cool gemacht mit der Reversed Kick und den Harmoniestimmen! Ach, sag mal welches Instrument spielst Du gleich?

Also, der Mix gefällt!
Jaja, wieder mal zu bassig. Hab ich hier eben auch gerade gemerkt :-D

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